Testimonials for Compassionate Inquiry

“The fact that I’m still working on myself, often discovering hidden monsters of triggers, and feeling more and more at one with my past tells me a few things. But one of them is relevant, talking about my CI sessions with Derek: they calmed me down, made me think and relate to my inner-self as i never done before. And of course we do tell ourselves: but it’s you who were ready for it and did all the work. And so on…not exactly.
Derek gave me the opportunity to discover and challenge myself. He gave me the freedom and confidence i needed for so long. Derek was there, listening very patiently and giving me the right words and insights I was looking for during my travels.
I needed a few sessions, before taking some time for myself, giving me the space and calmness to work internally. Now: ready for more! Because it feels great to explore my mind and inner-self further with the guidance of Derek!
So, thank you, Derek, for what you set free so far!”

“I started to discuss with Derek a lot of the issues that have started to bother me. And it was very interesting to discover even more topics along the journey. It was quite surprising to me how easy it was to trust Derek and open up. After a very short time, and continuously, I am seeing progress and I am convinced that I am on the right path.”

“I reached out to Derek, as I was still suffering from a traumatic event four years ago and struggling with addictions, depression and fatigue. I had tried counselling for a year and I found it made me far worse and I was spending money getting no where and feeling patronised.

Having read Gabor Mate’s books and done some of his courses, Compassionate inquiry felt right for me. I was a bit nervous about being on line but Derek enabled me very quickly to feel at ease and without many words I felt safe and trusted him. His questions were compassionate and highly intuitive and we got to the core of my trauma through my body and somatic inquiry; a relief not to be going over and over the story in words.

His voice and energy are authentic and calming and I felt he had deep respect for not only my trauma, but my very being; I felt seen, heard and valued which was immediately healing and brought me into the present moment and felt a movement of trapped energy and spirit in my body. I felt shifts and tears both in the sessions but in the weeks following; importantly I also re found my humour, and creativity too.

I recommend Derek highly, not only because of his training and the modality but his humanness and natural compassion and understanding of body work, Chi Qong and mindfulness. There was no sense of an expert telling me what to do behind a veil of well meaning words, rather a support and belief in my power to re find my authentic and whole self and a genuine sharing of his journey which enabled relationship, I felt less isolated I nearly backed out of my first appointment through fear (a symptom of my trauma and previous bad counselling experiences) I am so glad I trusted myself to work with him.”

My experience with Derek has been truly transformative. With his guidance and support, I’ve discovered a new approach to life that has profoundly changed my views for the better.

Through evidence-based practices, Derek helped me embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, providing a safe space for me to explore the depths of my emotions and confront hidden pains. The shifts I have experienced during and after our sessions have been truly remarkable. From delving into my innermost emotions to confronting long-held beliefs, I’ve emerged with a newfound sense of clarity and resilience.

Derek’s compassionate approach and holistic perspective have been instrumental in my healing journey. He considers all aspects of my being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—creating a nurturing environment where I feel fully supported and understood. By recognizing and addressing my critical inner voice and limiting beliefs, Derek has helped me navigate through challenges that once seemed insurmountable. I’ve learned to embrace myself exactly as I am in this time and space, celebrating both my strengths and vulnerabilities with warmth and compassion.

Jung’s quote, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate”, is exactly what Derek made me realize and feel. Through his guidance, I have gained insight into those hidden forces, hidden influences and how they have been shaping my life; by understanding and recognising these hidden factors, I have gained control and reclaimed my agency.

What sets Derek apart is his unwavering dedication to my well-being and growth. He sees the truth and purity within me, guiding me towards self-acceptance and empowerment. It’s not just about therapy; it’s about acknowledgment and compassion, being seen, understood, and listened to, and also recognising and nurturing my own emotions and well-being through self-acknowledgment, self-care, and self-compassion.
I am extremly grateful for Derek’s guidance and support, and I wholeheartedly recommend his compassionate approach to anyone seeking profound transformation and inner peace.

“I started seeing Derek at the time when I wanted to support myself as I had some problems in my personal relationship. I found Derek to be a very kind and generous person in how he supported me. I got a real sense that I could be completely myself and he would have no judgements whatsoever, which helped to create safety in our therapeutic relationship.

He was warm and compassionate and checked in with how comfortable I was when he made an enquiry or exploration within our session, and this offered a space for me to exercise my autonomy.

We also had some laughs, which was very welcoming! I also chose Derek as I realise that we may have a similar cultural heritage, and I found a sense of belonging in that. I’m so grateful for what Derek has given me in the time I saw him. I would recommend Derek to anyone seeking an empathic, kind and caring therapist.”

“Derek is a safe and gentle guide, embodying an open and calming presence that instantly puts those around him at ease. I deeply appreciate Derek for his timekeeping, clear communication, and unwavering commitment to his own personal growth, which in turn enriches the guidance he offers to myself and others. His dedication is evident in every interaction, and I would not hesitate to recommend Derek as a safe, calm, and professional guide to anyone seeking to explore their unconscious dynamics.

Moreover, Derek possesses a playful and gentle manner that makes forming a deep connection with him effortless. His ability to blend professionalism with a light-hearted approach ensures that those he guides feel both supported and understood. Derek’s unique combination of qualities makes him an exceptional guide, capable of facilitating profound personal exploration and growth.”

“I am deeply grateful for the profound experience I’ve had with Derek’s compassionate inquiry services. Through his gentle guidance and unwavering support, I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing that has profoundly impacted my life.

From the very beginning, Derek showed a remarkable ability to make me recognise the pain in my body and soul, creating a safe and nurturing space for me to connect with it. By giving to the pain the space it needed, I found solace and healing in acknowledging and honouring my inner struggles.
For me, one of the most significant takeaways from our sessions was reconnecting with my inner child. Derek’s compassionate approach helped me rediscover the innocence, curiosity, and joy that I had long forgotten. Through this reconnection, I’ve learned to embrace my authenticity and rediscover a sense of wholeness within myself.

Throughout our sessions, Derek was always present and attentive, truly listening to my concerns and challenges. I felt understood, seen, and heard in a way that I had never experienced before. His compassionate demeanour and non-judgmental attitude provided me with a safe space to explore my deepest emotions and fears.
Thanks to Derek’s guidance, I’ve gained invaluable insights into the root causes of my struggles. He helped me recognize that many of my present-day challenges stem from unresolved issues in my past. By reflecting on past experiences and patterns, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of myself and my journey.

He guided me in introspection, prompting contemplation on the origins of present challenges: ‘Where in my past does this resonate?’ and ‘In what way does this situation evoke childhood memories?’ This process delved beyond conscious awareness, recognizing that the ego often thrives on unhealed wounds, as articulated by Eckhart Tolle – “the pain body”.

Derek’s compassionate inquiry sessions have empowered me with self-awareness, self-actualization, and profound insight. I am continuing my growth with Derek, knowing that his guidance will lead me to even greater clarity, self-love, and understanding.

I highly recommend Derek to anyone seeking support and guidance on their healing journey. With his compassionate approach and safe space, I’ve learned to reconnect with my inner child, embrace my feelings, and release trapped emotions. Even outside of our sessions, I’ve learned to reconnect with my inner child, allowing me to navigate even the most distressing situations with grace and resilience.
Thank you, Derek, for your compassionate guidance and unwavering support on my path to healing and self-discovery.”

“I had never seriously considered therapy until I had almost lost everything that I loved, and that’s too late. Before doing therapy with Derek, my mind and emotions were all over the place and had little to no control or understanding about how they affected my decisions and life.

Through our sessions, Derek has worked like a potent mirror and helped me to find, deep within myself, the causes of my disconnect from my emotions, of the need for external approval, and of my judgemental and negative mind. Derek taught me to look at my unconscious actions with compassion and curiosity, to learn from them and to eventually forgive them.

Along with forgiveness, I felt a new, fresh wave of opportunities to show up for the people I love, now equipped with the tools no one ever gave me to understand and to reconnect with my mind and emotions. This is the type of work on oneself that is never truly finished. Derek’s compassionate enquiry therapy is like a magic mirror that we all should make use of regularly.”

“I found Derek easy to talk to and felt understood by him. I am now seeing the results from the work we’ve done together, which is encouraging me to continue to have faith in myself and the method.”

“It is indeed a rarity, as a psychologist, to be so skilfully guided through a transformative CI healing journey and capability building with such grace and humility, as delivered by our trusted Derek. The journey led by Derek was not only foundational in my CI training as a professional, but has, almost single-handedly, salvaged the formerly wavering faith in my profession. Heart-centered compassionate healing is indeed possible! ”

“I worked with Derek over a period of time last year, (2023) where I was uncovering some very deep and early emotional turmoil. This was critical to my personal growth and necessary but difficult to do. Thanks to Derek’s calm, empathic and insightful response and his wonderful application of the Compassionate Inquiry therapeutic process, I was able to fully understand, accept and heal this trauma.

I can certainly recommend Derek as a therapist and would go back to him without hesitation if my life circumstances indicated that this would be good for me. I did cry buckets though; don’t expect not to!”

“I have been working with Derek for the past few months. I have found him to be kind, caring and professional in his role as a CI therapist. We have built a secure therapeutic relationship whereby I have found a safe space to open up and be listened too.

Since starting with Derek I have gained huge self awareness and I have found him to be very supportive as a compassionate inquiry therapist.”

© 2024 Copyright Derek McMillan. Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner in Edinburgh, Scotland. Somatic Based Psychotherapy. Gabor Mate. Trauma informed Psychotherapist. Meditation, self-defence and Traditional Martial Arts | Web site by Dialogue